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Dolph Microwave
Waveguide Components In Test and Measurement

The main purpose is engineers need test components that can measure a variety of signals with great accuracy in order to provide a dependable end-user experience. 

The components includes precision coaxial adapter both in right angle and end launch type. Matching load with VSWR at least 1.03.

Waveguide To Coax Adapter

In addition, calibration kits are still used which include the components like short, coaxial adapter, termination etc. 

Waveguide Calibration Kits

All these components are available in various frequency range with various types. It contains Impedance measurement, S-Parameters and the Smith Chart, Power Measurement, Noise Figure and Phase Noise measurement, Frequency measurements (Spectrum Analysis), Gain Compression and Intermodulation and Network Analysis. 

Any requirement for the test and measurement, please do not hesitate to ask for more.

Coaxial To Waveguide Adapter

No.333, Xingtai South Road, Weiyang Zone, Xi'an, China +86-2988810979